Friday, April 22, 2011

5 on Friday...

1. I think my body is finally adjusting to the Zyrtec I've been taking for these nasty allergies. I feel much better, have a little more energy and am sleeping like a baby, most nights. : )
2. My son is going to try to quit smoking. THIS friends makes me very HAPPY! : )  : ) : )
3. I'd love to have one of these for my yard. The tear drop one to be exact. Cute...Cute!
4. Take a look here. ADORABLE! I wonder if my little Deuce would like that swing. *wink*
5. Easter is this weekend. My husband found some little 'real' chicks for sale this week. Hmmmm...I wonder if the Gandbabies would like to have one for Easter.

Happy Easter Weekend,
Love & Hugs,

1 comment:

Paula... said...

* Thankfully I've never suffered from Spring allergies, but David and Dayna do and I always hate to see them in such a state :(

* WOOHOO I hope he can stick with the quit plan and live a long healthy life!

* Oooh that birdhouse is soooo cute - I've never seen anything like it!

* Hmmm well the current occupant doesn't look like he's enjoying it LOL

* chicks are really cute, but then they go and grow up!!! Have a happy and safe Easter with your family :)