Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I've Been Hunting...

We noticed a couple of very strange items sitting beside a bridge on the way back from lunch today. The husband wouldn't stop so I had my son walk down with me later to snap a photo. Although I do work in a very strange neighborhood, these were clearly out of place. I was a little leery of getting to close because look at them they are a bit strange. If you'd like to join the hunt go here for details. I'm checking off  Item #9 on the list. A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong.

#9 A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong

Thanks for stopping by,


Paula... said...

Definitely creepy!!!

kdglisson said...

Those things were creepy! Just think...somebody probably took them home to somebody else. You already know. I don't even have to say it.

~*~Patty S said...

Creepy and super find = intriguing!
I enjoyed visiting all of your scavenger posts...
fun to see some of your state...
Greetings from Virginia