Thursday, March 10, 2011


This was not a favorite subject for me. All I could think of was faces and to take a picture of myself which I really did not want to do. After complaining to my husband about it he, who by the way never lets me take his picture turned to me, removed his glasses and said "here take a picture of me but you can't let anyone see it". I said "OK" knowing that I would be using it for this weeks prompt.  : ) I knew I couldn't ask him to move into better light or he would change his mind. So I just pointed the camera and took a shot.
Prompt #10: Wrinkles...My husband. Not really many wrinkles but hey he volunteered! : )

I also came home from work on Tuesday, walked into the living room and the dogs chair was a mess. I straightened it up and he jumped into it and wallowed in it until it looked exactly like it did before I straightened it. I guess he was letting me know that he likes it messed up. Me..not so much!
Prompt #10: Wrinkles...the dogs chair.

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