Sunday, November 22, 2009

Busy, Busy and Busy...'s almost Thanksgiving already. Time flies when your having fun. I've been busy working on my ME album for the class I started forever ago. The class is over but I'm still plugging away. I plan to have it complete by the end of the month. I'll be sharing some pages very soon. Next time I'll be smart and do the pre-class assignment. Speaking of next time I signed up for yet another class at BPS. DYL by Cathy Zielske...check it out here. I thought it would be nice to have something to do during the cold, dark, miserable season thats headed my way.

My husband brought these home to me on Friday.
Arent' they fallish! He Loves Me!

The girls came over and we scraped a little yesterday. I worked on my first ever December Daily album from Ali Edwards blog. It's coming along nicely. I need to add some embellishment and it'll be ready for pictures and journaling come Dec. 1st. Yeah me!
I spent a small fortune today at the grocery buying Thanksgiving dinner and such. The kids, grandbabies and my sister will be over on Thanksgiving Day and the day after. We'll have an eary dinner, some drinks and laughs on Thanksgiving Day and we'll be decorating the tree and the house the day after. There will also be plenty of snacks for us to enjoy. It's not a good time for the so called "diet" I pretend to be on but I'll get back to that at a later date. Next up...Christmas shopping...anyone wanna help?

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