Well, it's here THE BIG DAY...and guess what? I made it and I must say it wasn't so bad after all! I looked out my front door and saw this (thanks kids)...darn...now all the neighbors know. Just had to run out and get a few pictures. A girl only turns 50 once you know!
Later in the day the kids and few family members showed up for pizza and cake. I'm pretty sure the candles were the husbands idea. For the last three years now I've been 30 something.
Oh my gosh....this was the best cake ever! : )
My husband got me Keith Urban tickers...in Vegas!
Yep...just a little excited!
and my Brother in Law and Sister in Law gave me this. As I pulled the tag they just kept coming out of the bag. 50 $1 bills. Clever huh? I thought I might use them in Vegas (for gambling) but since I'm not a big gambler I'll keep them tied up for now!
My night ended with fireworks (out of my kitchen window).
Ladies, I'm here to tell you...turning 50 ain't so bad...I had myself all worked up for nothing.