I try to eat healthy (for the most part), I exercise a little, keep a constant weight, get plenty of sleep, don't drink much and every time I go to the Dr. he tells me that I'm in excellent shape (his words, not mine) and yet its always another Dr. for something else. First he says" take this handful of pills to keep you healthy" (no prescribed ones) just vitamins, calcium, fish oil and a bayer aspirin each day. Next its a test for this or that, the last one being a bone scan. Results, osteopenia, more calcium, more exercise. OK simple enough, I can do that.
Earlier this month I had to go in for an annual check up. Ladies you know the one where they take your BP, temperature, weight, height, leave you in a cold room covered with paper and tell you the Dr. will be in shortly. Yes that one! So 10-15 minutes later, once your good and cold the Dr. comes in, does my exam, tells me once again that I'm in excellent shape BUT that I need to take this prescription, and come back in two weeks. So much for the excellent shape he told me about earlier. So, I leave the Dr., get the prescription filled, take it for seven days and go back in two weeks and get the same exact results. The prescription did not take care of the problem and now he tells me I need to see a
Urologist. Of course, I asked the Dr. some questions about what the
Urologist may look for, I DID NOT like what he had to say. I also talked with my sister the nurse whom was very positive and my dear niece googled it, read me what google had to say, some good, some not so much. I have an appointment schedule on August 1st, the earliest I could get in. I'm trying to stay positive but I'm really quite nervous about the appointment. Lately I've had more than my fair share of lower back pain, so maybe he'll get to the bottom of it and I can walk straight again.
In other news I've managed to hurt yet another part of my body. I'm not exactly sure how or what I've done, but it has something to do with the chest muscle or ribs on my right side. It hurts when I breathe, cough, laugh, etc. This may have something to do with lifting tables, five year olds and jumping off picnic table, who knows! I am getting older in years, yet I don't feel older, well except for right now with all these aches and pains which I hope will be healed up in no time at all.